Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Preliminary Bill of Materials and Build Plan Notes

After an interesting discussion on with Ted Simmons (thanks Ted, discussion about cost is always useful) and a long conversation with the McMahans, I have assembled a pretty decent first cut at an estimated bill of materials for my entire project.

  • Powerplant: 2007 GSXR600 engine (with ECU, etc)
    • Purchased off Ebay for $675, shipping included. Hopefully the motor's good
  • Exhaust system - Header, manifold, pipe, muffler
    • After talking to folks, the budget for this has to go to 500 dollars, minimum. Jet-hotting and custom mandrel bending will be necessary for a good product.
    • 500 bucks.
  • Power Transmission - I've opted to go with direct drive.
    • Initial measurements indicate roughly .15 inches of center to center distance change over the entire range of travel for the rear suspension. I might have to develop a chain tensioner. We'll see.
    • Sprockets + hardware: 200 dollars.
  • Motor Mount - basic mild steel
    • 50 dollars (material cost)
  • Clutch, Throttle, Shifter cables
    • 200 dollars.
  • Paddle shifter + mechanical throttle blipper (still in design/thinking stage)
    • 200 dollars
  • Power Commander 3 (I still think I can manage this)
    • 125 dollars, used
  • Pedal Fabrication - basic design, aluminum and steel construction
    • 100 dollars (material cost + hardware)
  • 530 chain
    • 50 dollars
  • Two new Facet low pressure Fuel Pumps
    • 100 dollars
  • New Fuel lines
    • 100 dollars
  • New silicone radiator hoses
    • 100 dollars
  • Remote Oil Filter and cooler (adapter, filter assembly, stock cooler)
    • 200 dollars
  • Fuel Surge Tank (modified from old welding cylinder)
    • 50 dollars
  • Oil Pan modification -- not going with a billet solution. Baffled, modified stock pan
    • 50 dollars
  • Upgraded heat shielding and firewalls (because burning to death sucks)
    • 200 dollars
  • New Fuel Pressure Regulator
    • 150 dollars
  • Stock GSXR guage assembly (solves several issue with the wiring harness and need for engine data)
    • 100 dollars, ebay,used.
  • Sold old clutches, exhaust, motor, etc
    • -800 dollars (estimate)

That's the entirety of the list, and should cover all the major and not-so-major items. There will, naturally, be incidentals, but nothing over 20 or 30 bucks.

Total out of pocket cost comes to ~$2250, without considering I saved myself somewhere between 300 and 800 dollars on a 494 rebuild (on an engine which is probably obsolescent, given the introduction of the 593 to Formula 500)

A drop-in solution with a 593 would have run me around 2 grand. Considering I want a shifter car, and I no longer have to worry about maintaining carbs or clutches, the extra 1050 bucks seems like a good trade to me.

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